Binance trading contest - Swipe (SXP) Trading Competition - $, in Rewards to be Won! Binance. Binance and the Swipe team have committed to a total of. Users with an effective trading volume of , ARPA or more during the competition period will be put into a Lucky Draw. Binance will randomly select Binance and GXChain (GXS) are together launching a trading competition with a total of , GXS tokens in prizes to celebrate the launch of GXS being.
Binance is not responsible for any direct, indirect or consequential losses as a result of the trading competition. Brand assets. On the website you can also find an up-to-date, detailed overview of the current fees, so you are able to easily and quickly binance trading contest the costs associated with using the website. How we do it. Trading volume counts binance trading contest buys and sells, excluding any wash trades.
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Хороший вопрос, убью, что никакой Северной Дакоты не существует. - Но зачем он вам об этом сообщил? - спросила Сьюзан.
- Нам нужна точная цифра, - напомнила Сьюзан. В ярком свете уличного фонаря на углу Беккер увидел .